

The LRDE aims at developing new concepts within its research fields reaching from theory to reusable implementations. We have three flagship projects, three generic and efficient libraries written in C++, all of them distributed under the conditions of the GNU GPL v2 license. Everyone can download them and measure the significance of the research conducted at the LRDE, and use it in order to go further. In addition to their effectiveness as tools these libraries are most helpful communication tools as well, allowing to build relationships with academic and industrial partners.

The LRDE's main libraries are Olena for image processing, Vaucanson for finite state machines and Spot for model checking. Nowadays Olena is the most complete one and is already used for various academic and industrial projects. Spot, already recognized in the academic community is being developed for industrial applications. Vaucanson is a tool for researchers.

Publicly funded projects

Aware of its youth and its small size, the laboratory has grown slowly among different calls for proposals and participates today in projects of all types: Competitiveness Clusters (French Interministerial Fund FUI), ANR, projects funded by OSEO, by the national Cancer Institute, and European projects.

Ongoing projects

  • LINX - FUI 14 - 2012-2015

An automatic reader to help visually impaired people in their everyday lives (project labeled by Cap Digital).

  • TerraRush - Investissement d'avenir - Grand Emprunt - 2013-2015

A platform for indexing video files from digitized rushes (project labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster Cap Digital).

A toolbox with augmented reality applications for mobile devices to assist tourists before, during and after their visit (project labeled by Cap Digital).

A finite state machine manipulation platform

Past projects

National Projects

  • Scribo - FUI - 2007-2010 ((project labeled by the Competitiveness Cluster Systematic).

European Project

  • OpenSE - LLP project - 2009-2012

Privately financed projects

The LRDE also conducts research projects with industrial partners and runs consulting assignments within its research areas. Feel free to contact us if you have a project you would like to do with us.

  • Morpho (formerly Sagem Sécurité)