Difference between revisions of "Olena/Contributors"


(Replace hand-made list of contributors with a link to Olena's AUTHORS file.)
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See the [{{SERVER}}/dload/olena/AUTHORS AUTHORS] file from the Olena package.
The following people contributed to [[Olena]], maybe indirectly through one of the numerous prototypes Olena has uprisen from. Olena would not be what it is today without their work.
Here is the list of persons who have contributed to [[Olena]], and what they have done for the project.
* {{PrintAuthor|Thierry Géraud}}
** management of the project in the first place,
** type system,
** revamp of Metalic (Olena 1.0),
** SCOOP, SCOOP 2, Static (Olena proto-1.0, Olena 1.0),
** Extended (Olena 1.0),
** numerous hours spent thinking about Olena.
* {{PrintAuthor|Roland Levillain}}
** Project manager.
** Theoretical mentor.
** Renovation of Swilena (Olena 0.10a).
** G++ 4.0 and 4.1 compatibility (Olena 0.10a).
** Integration of GNU Libtool (Olena 0.10a).
** SCOOP 2 and Static (Olena pre-1.0).
** Revive the dynamic-static bridge prototype from Olena proto-1.0.
* {{PrintAuthor|Guillaume Lazzara}} a.k.a. Z
** SCRIBO module main author and maintainer.
** Library improvements.
* {{PrintAuthor|Alexandre Duret-Lutz}}
** maintenance of the source tree for several years,
** type system,
** test system,
** first documentation system,
** numerous hours spent on Olena to make it better.
* {{PrintAuthor|Réda Dehak}}
** management of the project,
** color conversions,
** cleanup the sources.
* {{PrintAuthor|Akim Demaille}}
** configuration system.
** maintenance of code's clearness.
* Anthony Pinagot
** Olena I/O,
** statistical operators,
** FFT algorithm.
* Astrid Wang
** new documentation system,
** static arrays implementation.
* Christophe Berger
** connected filters (Olena proto-1.0, Olena 1.0),
** SCOOP 2 (Olena proto-1.0).
* Damien Thivolle
** contributions to document the code,
** generic morphers,
** configuration system,
** shapelets transform,
** G++ 4.0 compatibility (Olena 0.10a),
** canvas for algorithms (Olena proto-1.0),
** SCOOP 2 (Olena proto-1.0),
** [[Olena/Dynamic|Dynamic]] (Dyn) (Olena proto-1.0).
* David Lesage
** type system,
** new paradigm,
** cleanup the sources.
* Dimitri Papadopoulos-Orfanos
** type system
* Emmanuel Turquin
** implementation of transforms,
** integre.
* Giovanni Palma
** color conversion,
** attribute opening and closing algorithms,
** new documentation system,
** document the code,
** cleanup the sources.
* Heru Xue
** color system.
* Ignacy Gawedzki
** color system.
* Jean Chalard
** colors,
** vectors and matrices implementation,
** Olena iterators implementation,
** wavelets.
* Jean-Sébastien Mouret
** image I/O,
** source tree and configuration system,
** fast morphological operators.
* {{PrintAuthor|Jérôme Darbon}}
** image morphology and Olena morpho.
* Ludovic Perrine
** fuzzy types.
* Michaël Strauss
** image morphology,
** watershed algorithms,
** Olena I/O.
* Nicolas Burrus
** integre,
** Olena I/O,
** source tree.
* {{PrintAuthor|Nicolas Pouillard}}
** [[Olena/Dynamic|Dynamic]] (Dyn) (Olena proto-1.0).
* Nicolas Widynski
** connected filters (Olena proto-1.0),
** inpainting (Olena proto-1.0),
** segmentation (watershed transform, watersnake, snakes) (Olena proto-1.0)
* Niels Van Vliet
** color conversion,
** attribute opening and closing algorithms,
** contributions to document the code,
** histograms.
* Pierre-Yves Strub
** Olena morpho,
** source tree and configuration system,
** type system.
* Quôc Peyrot
** watershed algorithm.
* Raphaël Poss
** source tree and configuration system,
** documentation.
* {{PrintAuthor|Quentin Hocquet}}
** [[Olena/Scool|SCOOL]] (Olena 1.0).
* Rémi Coupet
** Olena morpho,
** data types (pre-0.6),
** Olena core,
** bibliographical research.
* Renaud François
** bibliographical research.
* {{PrintAuthor|Roland Levillain}}
** renovation of Swilena (Olena 0.10a),
** G++ 4.0 and 4.1 compatibility (Olena 0.10a),
** integration of GNU Libtool (Olena 0.10a),
** SCOOP 2 and Static (Olena 1.0).
* Simon Odou
** contributions to document the code,
** deconvolution,
** generic morphers,
** SCOOP 2 (Olena proto-1.0).
* Sylvain Berlemont
** combinatorial maps,
** cleanup the sources.
* {{PrintAuthor|Thomas Moulard}}
** [[Olena/Scool|SCOOL]] (Olena 1.0)
* Tristan Croiset
** [[Olena/Dynamic|Dynamic]] (Dyn) (Olena proto-1.0)
* Yann Jacquelet
* Yann Régis-Gianas
** type system.
* Yoann Fabre
** type system.
* Vincent Berruchon
* Arthur Crépin-Leblond
** Scribo viewer (GUI)

Revision as of 17:13, 20 May 2014