Project-Related Modules


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Short Description

Olena-scribo small.png

The " SCRIBO (fr) (Semi-automatic and Collaborative Retrieval of Information Based on Ontologies) project is part of the Systematic Paris-Region business cluster (a French « pôle de compétitivité »).

SCRIBO aims at developing algorithms and free software to extract knowledge from multimedia content (text or image) and also for the semi-automatic annotation and collaborative digital documents. SCRIBO has a budget of 4.3 Meuros and brings together several partners: " AFP, " CEA LIST, " INRIA, " EPITA/LRDE, " Mandriva, " Nuxeo, " Proxem, " Tagmatica and " XWiki.

See the project's description on the Systematic Paris-Region Web site.


Source code

SCRIBO is part of the latest Olena release and can be installed with the whole platform. See download page.

However, the very latest version (development version) is available through our Git repository. Beware that stability and compilation is not guaranteed!

  • 2/ Checkout one of the following branches:
    • stable/scribo (recommended)
    • unstable/scribo (sometimes broken!)
1git checkout -b stable/scribo origin/stable/scribo


1git checkout -b unstable/scribo origin/unstable/scribo
  • 3/ Browse through sources in scribo directory or build the provided tools :

2mkdir _build
3cd _build

In order to get access to all functionalities, your system should fulfill the following requirements :

  • LibGraphicsMagick++
  • Tesseract 2.x or 3.x
  • Qt 4.3 (minimum)
  • Fop 0.95 (minimum)
  • Xsltproc

Online Demos

On the Web

ICDAR 2013 - Competition on Music Scores

Short Description

The contest (see there) is about removing staff from music score images.


Access the dedicated page that presents our solution.

ICDAR 2011 - Historical Document Layout Analysis Contest

Short Description

The general objective of this contest is analyze the overall document layout analysis on historical documents. Paragraphs, images, drop characters and separators had to be retrieved and well classified.

Jump to the official 2011 Contest page.


The whole source code of the submitted program is available on our Git repository.

Server: git://
Branch: icdar/hdlac2011
Location: scribo/src/contest/hdlac-2011

ICDAR 2009 - Handwriting Segmentation Contest

Short Description

The general objective of this contest is to use well established evaluation practices and procedures in order to record recent advances in off-line handwriting segmentation.

Jump to the official 2009 Contest page.


Access the dedicated module page.