Papers about Vaucanson


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The following is a list of publications related to Vcsn. Other Papers from the LRDE are available.


In Journals

Title Authors Published in Date
demaille.17.sacs Derived-Term Automata of Multitape Expressions with Composition Akim Demaille Scientific Annals of Computer Science 29 December 2017
lombardy.04.tcs Introducing Vaucanson Sylvain Lombardy, Yann Régis-Gianas, Jacques Sakarovitch Theoretical Computer Science 1 November 2004

In Conferences

Title Authors Published in Date
demaille.17.ictac Derived-Term Automata of Weighted Rational Expressions with Quotient Operators Akim Demaille, Thibaud Michaud Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC) 5 July 2017
demaille.16.ictac Derived-term Automata for Extended Weighted Rational Expressions Akim Demaille Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC) 6 July 2016
demaille.16.ciaa Derived-Term Automata of Multitape Rational Expressions Akim Demaille Proceedings of Implementation and Application of Automata21st International Conference (CIAA'16) 26 April 2016
demaille.14.ciaa A Type System for Weighted Automata and Rational Expressions Akim Demaille, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Sylvain Lombardy, Luca Saiu, Jacques Sakarovitch Proceedings of Implementation and Application of Automata19th International Conference (CIAA'14) 20 May 2014
demaille.13.ciaa Implementation Concepts in Vaucanson 2 Akim Demaille, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Sylvain Lombardy, Jacques Sakarovitch Proceedings of Implementation and Application of Automata18th International Conference (CIAA'13) 2 May 2013
demaille.08.fsmnlp An XML format proposal for the description of weighted automata, transducers, and regular expressions Akim Demaille, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Florian Lesaint, Sylvain Lombardy, Jacques Sakarovitch, Florent Terrones Post-proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP'08) 28 July 2008
claveirole.05.ciaa Inside Vaucanson Thomas Claveirole, Sylvain Lombardy, Sarah O'Connor, Louis-Noël Pouchet, Jacques Sakarovitch Proceedings of Implementation and Application of Automata10th International Conference (CIAA) 25 May 2005
regisgianas.03.poosc On orthogonal specialization in C++: dealing with efficiency and algebraic abstraction in Vaucanson Yann Régis-Gianas, Raphaël Poss Proceedings of the Parallel/High-performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing (POOSC; in conjunction with ECOOP) 26 May 2003
lombardy.03.ciaa Introducing Vaucanson Sylvain Lombardy, Raphaël Poss, Yann Régis-Gianas, Jacques Sakarovitch Proceedings of Implementation and Application of Automata8th International Conference (CIAA'03) 5 May 2003

Student Technical Reports

Title Authors Year
sanchez.13.seminar Improving Vaucanson's design Guillaume Sanchez 2013
santet.13.seminar Transducers in Vaucanson 2 Victor Marie-Santet 2013
fiette.11.seminar Progresses towards Vaucanson 1.4 and 2.0 Guillaume Fiette 2011
moreira.11.seminar Implementing rational semiring David Moreira 2011
hamelin.10.seminar Towards Vaucanson 2.0 Alex Hamelin 2010
hamelin.11.seminar Vaucanson 2.0 Internals Alex Hamelin 2010
d-halluin.10.seminar Adapting Vaucanson algorithms to a simpler interface Florent D'Halluin 2010
galtier.10.seminar Adapting the data structures of Vaucanson to the concept of kind and a new interface Jérôme Galtier 2010
d-halluin.09.seminar Benchmarking Vaucanson and large C++ libraries Florent D'Halluin 2009
ma.09.seminar Automata in Natural Language Processing Jimmy Ma 2009
galtier.09.seminar Remedial treatment for Vaucanson: an enhanced automaton concept Jérôme Galtier 2009
hamelin.09.seminar Property based class hierarchy of Vaucanson's Algebra module Alex Hamelin 2009
lesaint.08.seminar.syncrelations Synchronous relations in Vaucanson Florian Lesaint 2008
ma.08.seminar Boosting Vaucanson's Iterator Jimmy Ma 2008
d-halluin.08.seminar Yet Another Vaucanson GUI Florent D'Halluin 2008
lazzara.08.seminar Boosting Vaucanson's genericity Guillaume Lazzara 2008
galtier.08.seminar Improving Vaucanson's transducers composition algorithm Jérôme Galtier 2008
leroi.08.seminar Synchronized Tranducers Guillaume Leroi 2008
delmon.08.seminar Rational Expression Parser Vivien Delmon 2008
lesaint.08.seminar FSMXML and its application in Vaucanson Florian Lesaint 2008
delmon.08.seminar.reduce Automata Reduction Vivien Delmon 2008
lazzara.07.seminar Boosting Vaucanson Guillame Lazzara, Jimmy Ma 2007
lesaint.07.seminar XML Proposal and its Application in Vaucanson Florian Lesaint 2007
delmon.07.seminar Generic epsilon-removal Vivien Delmon 2007
terrones.05.seminar From an expression to the original automaton Florent Terrones 2005
bigaignon.05.seminar Computing the regular language recognized by a finite automaton Robert Bigaignon 2005
cadilhac.05.seminar Cover automata for finite languages Michaël Cadilhac 2005
fosse.04.seminar Dynamic use of statically typed libraries, textscJust In Time compilation and other solutions Loïc Fosse 2004
claveirole.04.seminar.analysis Analysis of the Vaucanson project Thomas Claveirole 2004
o-connor.04.seminar Implementation of transducers in Vaucanson Sarah O'Connor 2004
claveirole.04.seminar.overview An overview of Vaucanson Thomas Claveirole 2004
pouchet.04.seminar.interpreter An interpreter for Vaucanson Louis-Noël Pouchet 2004

Oral presentations
