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The Dahu Graph-Cut for Interactive Segmentation on 2D/3D Images (PR)

Local Intensity Order Transformation for Robust Curvilinear Object Segmentation (TIP)

Max-tree Computation on GPUs (TPDS)

Continuous Well-Composedness Implies Digital Well-Composedness in n-D (JMIV)

Some Equivalence Relation between Persistent Homology and Morphological Dynamics (JMIV)

A Modern C++ Point of View of Programming in Image Processing (GPCE)


A Global Benchmark of Algorithms for Segmenting Late Gadolinium-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MedIA)

Introducing the Boundary-Aware Loss for Deep Image Segmentation (BMVC)

ICDAR 2021 Competition on Historical Map Segmentation (ICDAR)

An Equivalence Relation between Morphological Dynamics and Persistent Homology in n-D (DGMM)

A New Matching Algorithm between Trees of Shapes and its Application to Brain Tumor Segmentation (DGMM)     [slides]


A New Minimum Barrier Distance for Multivariate Images with Applications to Salient Object Detection, Shortest Path Finding, and Segmentation (CVIU)

Topological Properties of the First Non-Local Digitally Well-Composed Interpolation on n-D Cubical Grids (JMIV)

Equivalence between Digital Well-Composedness and Well-Composedness in the sense of Alexandrov on n-D Cubical Grids (JMIV)

FOANet: A Focus of Attention Network with Application to Myocardium Segmentation (ICPR)

Do not Treat Boundaries and Regions Differently: An Example on Heart Left Atrial Segmentation (ICPR)

Experimental digital Gabor hologram rendering by a model-trained convolutional neural network (arXiv)

Using separated inputs for multimodal brain tumor segmentation with 3D U-Net-like architectures (BrainLes @MICCAI)

A 4D counter-example showing that DWCness does not imply CWCness in n-D (IWCIA)

A Two-Stage Temporal-Like Fully Convolutional Network Framework for Left Ventricle Segmentation and Quantification on MR Images (STACOM)


Connected Filters on Generalized Shape-Spaces (PRL)

Braids of Partitions for the Hierarchical Representation and Segmentation of Multimodal Images (PR)

How to Make n-D Plain Maps defined on Discrete Surfaces Alexandrov-Well-Composed in a Self-dual Way (JMIV)

Motion Compensation in Digital Holography for Retinal Imaging (ISBI)     [video]

Estimating the Noise Level Function with the Tree of Shapes and Non-Parametric Statistics (CAIP)

Introducing Multivariate Connected Openings and Closings (ISMM)     [poster]

An Equivalence Relation between Morphological Dynamics and Persistent Homology in 1D (ISMM)     [slides]

Deep Neural Networks for Aberrations Compensation in Digital Holographic Imaging of the Retina (SPIE)     [poster]     [slides]

Intervertebral Disc Segmentation Using Mathematical Morphology---A CNN-Free Approach (CSI)     [poster]

An Image Processing Library in Modern C++: Getting Simplicity and Efficiency with Generic Programming (RRPR)

Filtres connexes multivariés par fusion d'arbres de composantes (GRETSI)

Estimation du niveau de bruit par arbre des formes et statistiques non paramétriques (GRETSI)


Parallel Computation of Component Trees on Distributed Memory Machines (TPDS)

The Challenge of Cerebral Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Neonates: A New Method using Mathematical Morphology for the Segmentation of Structures Including Diffuse Excessive High Signal Intensities (MedIA)

A Tutorial on Well-Composedness (JMIV)

Real-Time Document Detection in Smartphone Videos (ICIP)     [poster]

The Tree of Shapes Turned into a Max-Tree: A Simple and Efficient Linear Algorithm (ICIP)     [poster]

Left Atrial Segmentation in a Few Seconds Using Fully Convolutional Network and Transfer Learning (STACOM)     [poster]

Saliency-Based Detection of Identity Documents Captured by Smartphones (DAS)     [poster]

White Matter Hyperintensities Segmentation In a Few Seconds Using Fully Convolutional Network and Transfer Learning (BrainLes)

Un algorithme de complexité linéaire pour le calcul de l'arbre des formes (RFIAP)     [slides]

Segmentation des hyperintensités de la matière blanche en quelques secondes à l'aide d'un réseau de neurones convolutif et de transfert d'apprentissage (RFIAP)     [slides]


Hierarchical Segmentation Using Tree-Based Shape Spaces (PAMI)

Extraction of Ancient Map Contents using Trees of Connected Components (GREC@ICDAR)

From Neonatal to Adult Brain MR Image Segmentation in a Few Seconds using 3D-like Fully Convolutional Network and Transfer Learning (ICIP)     [poster]

Introducing the Dahu Pseudo-Distance (ISMM)     [slides]

Morphological Hierarchical Image Decomposition Based on Laplacian 0-Crossings (ISMM)     [slides]

Well-Composedness in Alexandrov Spaces implies Digital Well-Composedness in ℤn (DGCI)     [slides]

La pseudo-distance du dahu (ORASIS)

Segmentation d'IRM de cerveaux de nouveau-nés en quelques secondes à l'aide d'un FCNN pseudo-3D et de transfert d'apprentissage (GRETSI)     [poster]


Connected Filtering on Tree-Based Shape-Spaces (PAMI)     [video]

Hierarchical Image Simplification and Segmentation Based on Mumford-Shah Salient Level Line Selection (PRL)

Morphology-Based Hierarchical Representation with Application to Text Segmentation in Natural Images (ICPR)     [poster]

A Challenging Issue: Detection of White Matter Hyperintensities in Neonatal Brain MRI (EMBC)

Region-Based Classification of Remote Sensing Images with the Morphological Tree of Shapes (IGARSS)


MToS: A Tree of Shapes for Multivariate Images (TIP)     [images and binaries]

Morphological Object Picking Based on the Color Tree of Shapes (IPTA)

How to Make nD Images Well-Composed Without Interpolation (ICIP)

Self-Duality and Digital Topology: Links Between the Morphological Tree of Shapes and Well-Composed Gray-Level Images (ISMM)     [poster]

A Color Tree of Shapes with Illustrations on Filtering, Simplification, and Segmentation (ISMM)     [slides]

Efficient Computation of Attributes and Saliency Maps on Tree-Based Image Representations (ISMM)     [poster]

How to Make nD Functions Digitally Well-Composed in a Self-Dual Way (ISMM)     [slides]

Une approche morphologique de segmentation interactive avec l'arbre des formes couleur (GRETSI)     [poster]


Tree-Based Morse Regions: A Topological Approach to Local Feature Detection (TIP)     [video]

A Comparative Review of Component Tree Computation Algorithms (TIP)

Efficient Multiscale Sauvola's Binarization (IJDAR)

Practical Genericity: Writing Image Processing Algorithms Both Reusable and Efficient (CIARP)     [slides]

Planting, Growing and Pruning Trees: Connected Filters Applied to Document Image Analysis (DAS)     [slides]

On Making nD Images Well-Composed by a Self-Dual Local Interpolation (DGCI)     [slides]

Speckle Spot Detection in Ultrasound Images: Application to Speckle Reduction and Speckle Tracking (IUS)

A Morphological Method for Music Score Staff Removal (ICIP)     [poster]

Tree of Shapes of Multivariate Images: Leads, Traps, and Pitfalls (ICIP)     [poster]

A First Parallel Algorithm to Compute the Morphological Tree of Shapes (ICIP)     [poster]

Meaningful Disjoint Level Lines Selection (ICIP)     [poster]

A Morphological Tree of Shapes for Color Images (ICPR)

Espaces des formes basés sur des arbres : définition et applications en traitement d’images et vision par ordinateur (RFIA)

Traitement d’images multivariées avec l’arbre des formes (GT GéoDis)     [poster]

Une généralisation du bien-composé à la dimension n (GT GéoDis)     [poster]


Salient Level Lines Selection using the Mumford-Shah Functional (ICIP)     [poster]

A Quasi-Linear Algorithm to Compute the Tree of Shapes of n-D Images (ISMM)     [slides]

A Comparison of Many Max-Tree Computation Algorithms (ISMM)     [poster]

Discrete Set-Valued Continuity and Interpolation (ISMM)

Two Applications of Shape-Based Morphology: Blood Vessels Segmentation and a Generalization of Constrained Connectivity (ISMM)


Outil logiciel pour le traitement d'images: Bibliothèque, paradigmes, types et algorithmes (HDR)     [slides]

Context-Based Energy Estimator: Application to Object Segmentation on the Tree of Shapes (ICIP)     [poster]

Morphological Filtering in Shape Spaces: Applications using Tree-Based Image Representations (ICPR)

Writing Reusable Digital Topology Algorithms in a Generic Image Processing Framework (WADGMM-LNCS)


The SCRIBO Module of the Olena Platform: a Free Software Framework for Document Image Analysis (ICDAR)     [poster]

Une approche générique du logiciel pour le traitement d'images préservant les performances (GRETSI)     [poster]


Algorithms for Mathematical Morphology (Mathematical Morphology---From Theory to Applications) (MM-EN)

Why and How to Design a Generic and Efficient Image Processing Framework: The Case of the Milena Library (ICIP)     [poster]

Writing Reusable Digital Geometry Algorithms in a Generic Image Processing Framework (WADGMM)     [poster]

Morphologie et algorithmes (Morphologie mathématique 2 : estimation, choix et mise en oeuvre) (MM-FR)


Milena: Write Generic Morphological Algorithms Once, Run on Many Kinds of Images (ISMM)     [slides]


Semantics-Driven Genericity: A Sequel to the Static C++ Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm (SCOOP 2) (MPOOL)


Effective Component Tree Computation with Application to Pattern Recognition in Astronomical Imaging (ICIP)

Algorithme de calcul de l'arbre des composantes avec applications à la reconnaissance des formes en imagerie satellitaire (GRETSI)


Standards de Programmation C++ (EN2FR)

Fusion of Spatial Relationships for Guiding Recognition---Example of Brain Structure Recognition in 3D MRI (PRL)

Project EFIGI: Automatic Classification of Galaxies (ADASS)

Ruminations on Tarjan's Union-Find Algorithm and Connected Operators (ISMM)     [slides]


Fast Road Network Extraction in Satellite Images using Mathematical Morphology and Markov Random Fields (JASP)

Fast Color Image Segmentation Based on Levellings in Feature Space (ICCVG)

Generic Algorithmic Blocks Dedicated to Image Processing (ECOOP-PhD)


Representation and Fusion of Heterogeneous Fuzzy Information in the 3D Space for Model-Based Structural Recognition---Application to 3D Brain Imaging (AI)

Document Type Recognition using Evidence Theory (GREC)     [slides]

Segmentation of Curvilinear Objects using a Watershed-Based Curve Adjacency Graph (IbPRIA)

Multi-Band Segmentation using Morphological Clustering and Fusion---Application to Color Image Segmentation (ICIP)

Fast Road Network Extraction in Satellite Images using Mathematical Morphology and MRF (NSIP)     [slides]

A Static C++ Object-Oriented Programming (SCOOP) Paradigm Mixing Benefits of Traditional OOP and Generic Programming (MPOOL)     [slides]

Segmentation d'objets curvilignes à l'aide des champs de Markov sur un graphe d'adjacence de courbes issu de l'algorithme de la ligne de partage des eaux (ICISP)


Generic Implementation of Morphological Image Operators (ISMM)


Applying Generic Programming to Image Processing (AI)     [slides]

Generic Design Patterns in C++ (COOTS)

Color Image Segmentation based on Automatic Morphological Clustering (ICIP)     [slides]

Segmentation d'images en couleur par classification morphologique non supervisée (ICISP)


An asynchronous architecture to manage communication, display, and user interaction in distributed virtual environments (EGVE)     [slides]

Olena: a Component-Based Platform for Image Processing, mixing Generic, Generative and OO Programming (GCSE)

Generic programming redesign of patterns (EuroPLoP)

Obtaining genericity for image processing and pattern recognition algorithms (ICPR)

A Framework to Dynamically Manage Distributed Virtual Environments (VW)     [slides]

Reconnaissance de structures cérébrales à l'aide d'un atlas et par fusion d'informations structurelles floues (RFIA)


Atlas-Guided Recognition of Cerebral Structures in MRI using Fusion of Fuzzy Structural Information (CIMAF)

Vers une réutilisabilité totale des algorithmes de traitement d'images (GRETSI)


Segmentation des structures internes du cerveau en imagerie par résonance magnétique 3D (PhD)


Robust Radiometric Parameter Estimation and Automatic Morphological Segmentation of Brain Internal Structures in 3D MR Images (CAR)


Segmenting internal structures in 3D MR images of the brain by Markovian relaxation on a watershed based adjacency graph (ICIP)

Estimation of Partial Volume Effect using Spatial Context: Application to Morphometry in Cerebral Imaging (MIC)


New High Performance 3D Registration Algorithms for 3D Medical Images (SPIEMI)